I made a resquettes to save an image in our API but I’m having problems in the Dispatch of this resquet and worked:
const trocarAssinatura = async img => {
dispatch({ type: actions.SET_LOADING_ASSINATURA, payload: true })
const data = new FormData()
data.append('assinatura', img)
data.append('fornecedor', maquinadeestadosstore.getIdEmpresa())
try {
const res = await Api.post('/portal/proposta_assinatura/', data)
dispatch({ type: actions.SET_ASSINATURA, payload: res.data.assinatura })
} catch (err) {
AlertaError('Erro ao enviar assinatura.')
} finally {
ToastSuccess('Assinatura enviada.')
dispatch({ type: actions.SET_LOADING_ASSINATURA, payload: false })
In the case Dispatch({ type: actions.SET_ASSINATURA, payload: res.data.signature }) is not working. I migrated this function from Mobx to Context and mobx was like this:
@action handleAssinatura = img => {
this.loadingAssinatura = true
const data = new FormData()
data.append('assinatura', img)
data.append('fornecedor', maquinadeestadosstore.getIdEmpresa())
Api.post('/portal/proposta_assinatura/', data)
.then(res => {
this.assinatura = res.data.assinatura
ToastSuccess('Assinatura enviada.')
.catch(err => {
AlertaVermelho('Erro ao enviar assinatura.')
.finally(() => {
this.loadingAssinatura = false
Can someone help me?
Hello, João. You migrated to React Context, do you also refer to useReducer? How is your Reducer? And what error did you have before?
– Carlos Querioz