Hello, good morning, sir. I am developing an application that needs to access the email, through IMAP4, and search a certain term in the body of the email or subject. The problem is that I have the code and it returns true even when it does not find a certain term in the email. I’ll post here and I’d like your help.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
MsgObject: TIdMessage;
SearchInfo: array of TIdIMAP4SearchRec;
SetLength(SearchInfo, 1);
SearchInfo[0].SearchKey := skUnseen;; // < Apenas msg não lidas
SearchInfo[0].Text := 'CADASTRO REALIZADO'; //< Código a ser pesquisado
if IMAPClient.SearchMailBox(SearchInfo) then
ShowMessage('E-mail encontrado'); //< Ele retorna verdadeiro mesmo não encontrando a mensagem
I am already logged in and in the inbox, INBOX. I do not know where the error is, because the code does not generate any error or Exception. Can anyone help me? Thank you.
see if this thread helps: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13612968/how-to-search-for-a-specific-e-mail-message-in-imap-mailbox
– JMSlasher
It worked. Thank you!
– Cesar