I have the following function, and I need to get the size of the image to validate, as it is not allowed to upload an image larger than a certain size.
I can’t catch with normal JS because I don’t use one FileUplod
, rather than by navigator.camera.getPicture
. I tried to use the functions reported in the documentation but I couldn’t fit it with the existing code. I don’t know if you can get the size so that I get the image using the getPicture
function PerfilEscolherFoto() {
var srcType = Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM;
var options = {
// Some common settings are 20, 50, and 100
quality: 100,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
// In this app, dynamically set the picture source, Camera or photo gallery
sourceType: srcType,
encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
mediaType: Camera.MediaType.PICTURE,
allowEdit: true,
correctOrientation: true //Corrects Android orientation quirks
navigator.camera.getPicture(function cameraSuccess(imageUri) {
}, function cameraError(error) {
}, options);
function onSuccess1(imageData) {
if (imageData.indexOf("?")=="-1"){
imageData3 = imageData;
} else {
imageData2 = imageData.split('?');
imageData3 = imageData2[0];
$(".FotoEditarAtleta").css("background", "url('"+ imageData3 +"?"+ Math.random() +"') no-repeat center").css('background-size', 'contain').css({ transform : 'rotate(0deg)' });
function onFail1(message) {
//alert('Erro ao selecionar imagem, tente novamente');
See if this reply from Soen can help you: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11999301/2570426
– viana