How to return a pointer to a dynamically allocated String, declared within a function?


Viewed 36 times


//Função de inversão de String.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SIZE 30

char* invertStr(char *source)
    int size = strlen(source);
    char *inverted = malloc(sizeof(source) * (size + 1));

    int count = size;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        inverted[i] = source[count];
    inverted[size + 1] = ('\0');

    return inverted;

int main(void)
    char str[SIZE];
    char str2[SIZE];

    scanf("%29s", str);

    char *inverted = invertStr(str);

    if (inverted == 0)
        printf("NULL Pointer. Memory alocation error");

        return -1;

    strcpy(str2, inverted);

    printf("%s | %s\n", str, str2);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The output of the second string is not displayed successfully.

Code running on ideone.

1 answer


  1. You’re allocating too much space. sizeof(source) is different from the size of sizeof(*source).
  2. You’re starting to write on top of \0 => count = size - 1;
  3. Is writing the \0 outside the allocated limit => inverted[size] = '\0';
char* invertStr(char *source)
    int size = strlen(source);
    char *inverted = malloc(sizeof(*source) * (size + 1));

    int count = size - 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        inverted[i] = source[count];
    inverted[size] = '\0';

    return inverted;
  • Yet you are allocating too much space. I think it should be: char *inverted = malloc(sizeof(char) * (size + 1));

  • @anonimo I see no difference... *source == char. source is a pointer, will have 4 or 8 bytes depending on the architecture, *source is what source points out that in this case it is a char

  • The guy char takes 1 byte, and a pointer - as you said yourself - takes 4 or 8 bytes.

  • @anonymity source is a pointer. *source is a char.

  • @anonymity sizeof(char) and sizeof(*source)are equivalent. Thanks for the contribution, guys. Zero Based Arrays + Null Terminator confuse me a lot, I need to practice more, in addition to better understand the operation and operands of sizeof

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