Good afternoon, everyone,
I need to create a VIEW in POSTGRESQL, example below:
SELECT Tabela1.Cpf
FROM test.Tabela1
SELECT table2.cpfcnpj
FROM test.table 2;
ALTER TABLE test.nomedaview
My question is this::
In my Tabela1 there are 2 columns, the Cpf column that has only Cpf and the cnpj column that has only cnpj;
In my table2 there is a single column called cpfcnpj that has either Cpf or cnpj;
In this view above, how is being used the UNION, so that this information comes in a single column, has any way to unify this information from table 1 (Cpf with cnpj)? type when the Cpf column is filled in it takes her information and if the cnpj is filled in it takes her information
OBS 1: in the example above (in bold) when I put only one of the information (Cpf or cnpj), the view is generated, but in it will only appear the cpfs of Tabela1, but in the case I wanted to appear cnpj also; OBS 2: in Tabela1, when the column Cpf is filled, it means that the column cnpj will be null, and vice versa; OBS 3: in both tables these columns are of type "Character Varying".
someone can help me?
the ideal by normalization is not to use fields that can be changed with foreign key, it would also be good to use the single primary key. tb_example 1.id = tb_example 2.id, tb_example 3.id = tb_example 2.id
– GabrielLocalhost