Get a list of the first multiples of a number


Viewed 342 times


I need to do a program that determines the first 5 multiples of 3, and I wanted to put the values of the first 5 numbers into a variable, but I don’t know how to do that. I tried to make:

for index in lista:
    while 1 <= index <=5:
        index == index +1

But that didn’t work. I also tried:

numeros = []
lista = []
for n in range(1, 100):
    if n % 3 == 0:
  • 2

    It wouldn’t just be something like lista = [3*1, 3*2, 3*3, 3*4, 3*5]?

6 answers


To have the first multiples of 3, just create a list with the result of 3 * 1, 3 * 2, 3 * 3, etc., until 3 * N.

Then it is enough that the range go from 1 to N, and you enter the result of the multiplication of 3 by each element of the range:

n = 5 # quantidade de múltiplos
multiplos = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    multiplos.append(3 * i)

Remembering that in a range the final value is not included, so I put n + 1, so that he can go to the umpteenth multiple.

Another option is to use one comprehensilist on, much more succinct and pythonic:

n = 5 # quantidade de múltiplos
multiplos = [ 3 * i for i in range(1, n + 1) ]

Or, using map to map each value of the range for your triple:

n = 5 # quantidade de múltiplos
multiplos = list(map(lambda i: i * 3, range(1, n + 1)))

Finally, you can also generate the range with the multiples themselves. Just start at 3 (which is the first multiple), end at 3 * N (the umpteenth multiple), and skip 3 by 3 (to always get the next multiple). Then just get the list directly from it:

n = 5 # quantidade de múltiplos
multiplos = list(range(3, (n * 3) + 1, 3))
#                      ^   ^^^^^^^^^^  ^
#                      |       |       |
#                      |       |       \__ passo (pular de 3 em 3)
#                      |       |
#      valor inicial __/       \__ valor final



From what I understand you want to implement a script that can find and list the 5 first multiples of 3. Well, to solve this problem we can use the following code:

lista = list()
for i in range(3, (5 * 3) + 1, 3):


Note that the for is traversing the range that starts in the minor multiple of 3 - which is 3 - going up to the fifth multiple of 3 - which is 15 - with step 3.

Or if you prefer, you can use the List Comprehensions.

lista = [i for i in range(3, (5 * 3) + 1, 3)]
  • thanks ! as I am still very new with Python I still have problems to imagine different ways to solve the same problem. Thanks for the help!


You can also do using the module itertools that has some interesting functions to work with iterators.

Python iterators are simply objects that can be traversed one element at a time. For this, they implement the Iteration protocol.
Here it is interesting only to know that the crossing of the elements of an iterator is done by the built-in method next() which retrieves the next iterator item.

The module itertools houses the function itertools.count(start= 0, step= 1) which creates an iterator that returns uniformly spaced values starting with start and spaced by step. As an example the expression:


It is the expression python for all multiples of a number n going from n to infinity.

Putting in a generic example:

from itertools import count                          #Importa para o código o método count().

n = int(input('Digite o número:'))                   #Lê o número que será gerada a tabuada de múltiplos.
m = int(input('Digite a quantidade de múltiplos:'))  #Lê o número de múltiplos a serem gerados na tabuada.

i = count(n,n)                                       #Cria o iterador para o múltiplos de n.

for _ in range(m):                                   #Para os primeiros m múltiplos de n...
    print(next(i))                                   #...os imprime.


Digite o número:3
Digite a quantidade de múltiplos:5

Digite o número:6
Digite a quantidade de múltiplos:20

Also, as suggested in comments by users hkotsubo and Woss, it is possible to use the function isocup() that returns a lot of elements from an iterable:

from itertools import count, islice
n = int(input('Digite o número:'))                   
m = int(input('Digite a quantidade de múltiplos:')) 

print(list(islice(count(n, n), m)))


Digite o número:3
Digite a quantidade de múltiplos:5
[3, 6, 9, 12, 15]
  • 2

    A suggestion with itertools:

  • 1

    @hkotsubo: Thanks after lunch I will put in response.

  • 2

    I: "I will comment that you can use the islice to get the N values... ih, already have a suggestion from @hkotsubo, want to see which is using the islice?" hahaha


Your code is working. But there is a more practical way to do it:

lista = []
for n in range(3, 100, 3):

This way you already jump 3 by 3, without having to make checks of rest.

  • well thought!! I had not thought of this option to put the loop to jump 3 in 3... thanks


This solution solves your problem, a list is created to store multiples of three lista_multiplos = [], the value num is constant, so a for multiplies num by five elements for n in range(1, 6):. soon after is displayed the multiples in the loop below the first. I hope it helps :)

num = 3
lista_multiplos = []
for n in range(1, 6):
for elemento in lista_multiplos:


Although they suggested answers with more practical ways to accomplish the proposal, I thought it would be worth clarifying some points that you might be getting confused with iterations in lists.

When using the operator for x in y the variable x will not take the index of the element in the list y, and yes, the value of the element itself.

frutas = ["Maçã", "Banana", "Uva"]

for fruta in frutas:
    # Isso ira exibir os nomes das frutas
    # A variável "fruta" assume o valor do elemento na lista

If you want to work with the index of each element, an alternative is to use the operator enumerate

frutas = ["Maçã", "Banana", "Uva"]

for indice, fruta in enumerate(frutas):
    # Agora você consegue trabalhar com os dois
    # Tanto índice quanto valor do elemento
    print(str(indice) + " = " + fruta)

Another option would still be to perform an iteration with a range from 0 to the size of your list, which even does not need to be known, you can get the list size with the operator len

frutas = ["Maçã", "Banana", "Uva"]

for indice in range(len(frutas)):
    # Assim voce também consegue trabalhar com o indice e valor
    print(str(indice) + " = " + fruta)
  • po valeu msm guy... I’m still new in this world and I’m catching a little kkkk but thanks for the clarification

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