How to use a function for multiple Javascript vanilla Ivs?


Viewed 48 times


I need to implement a rule to allow the badge to change color according to "Value" but the rule is only taking the 1 badge the others are not taking as it should use in my Javascript?

<nav class="tiles box-one mx-auto d-table w-50 ">
    <div type="button" class="btn tile col-md-2 badge  position-relative">
        <img src="./img/logo_meli.jpg">
        <input id="ValBdg" type="hidden" value="1" />
        <span  class="bdg badge position-absolute badge-notification btn-danger"> 666</span>
    <div type="button" class="btn tile col-md-2 badge position-relative">
        <img src="./img/logo_meli.jpg">
        <input id="ValBdg" type="hidden" value="2" />
        <span  class="bdg badge position-absolute  badge-notification btn-danger"> 666</span>

    <div type="button" class="btn tile col-md-2 badge  position-relative" >
        <img src="./img/logo_meli.jpg">
        <input id="ValBdg" type="hidden" value="0" />
        <span  class="bdg badge position-absolute  badge-notification btn-danger"> 666</span>
var ValBdg = document.getElementById('ValBdg').value;

function Msg(){
    var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('bdg');

    for (let x=0, s=nodes.length; x<s; x++){

function NoMsg(){
    var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('bdg');

    for (let x=0, s=nodes.length; x<s; x++){

if(ValBdg > 0 ){

1 answer


According to the HTML specification, the attribute id must be unique in a document. getElementById assumes this to be true and therefore only returns an element - the first that you find of the document with a given id.

Yet the attribute id does not necessarily have to be unique (despite being advised and a bad practice).

To solve your problem, I suggest the following changes:

  • use class instead of id in the input;
  • utilise getElementByClassName to obtain the inputs;
  • iterate on inputs and apply the logic you want to.


function setBadges() {
  const badgeValues = document.getElementsByClassName('ValBdg');
  for (let i = 0; i < badgeValues.length; i++) {
    const badge = badgeValues[i].nextElementSibling;
    const badgeClass = badgeValues[i].value > 0 ? 'badge-danger' : 'badge-primary';
    badge.classList.remove('badge-danger', 'badge-primary');

document.getElementById('setBadgesButton').addEventListener('click', setBadges);
.badge {
  font-size: 10px;
  padding: 2px;
  border-radius: 10px;

.badge.badge-primary {
  background-color: lightblue;

.badge.badge-danger {
  color: white;
  background-color: red;
  <input class="ValBdg" type="text" value="1" />
  <span class="badge">AAA</span>

  <input class="ValBdg" type="text" value="2" />
  <span class="badge">BBB</span>

  <input class="ValBdg" type="text" value="0" />
  <span class="badge">CCC</span>

<button id="setBadgesButton">Set Badges</button>

  • so I made here a class called "Valbdg", so I did Document.getElementsByClassName('Valbdg'); but still inside that I need to take the "value", know how to apply this to Function ?

  • 1

    I edited the answer and added an example. Please check,

  • Perfect guy was just what I needed (editing it did not even need to use CSS) thank you very much, I preferred in Javascript that I have more familiarity but I will familiarize myself in Jquery tb. Just one more question in cases where Value came "0" I would like to make the image stay in Grayscale , I found something here just with CSS would not have to do only in JS right.

  • 1

    Great. If you solved the problem, please tick this correct answer. I also prefer js vanilla but as its initial code was in jQuery, I answered in jQuery.

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