Create mysql table


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I need to create, in the database, the table below, and insert the values shown.

My question is **what would be the primary key in this table ? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui
**ID_NF ? In exercise asks to only create this table, but still I don’t know if I should create another table to have felt the id_nf, id_item and cod_prod.

Could you help me with that ?

I have no other table data, only this and from it will be made queries as for example Search the items that were sold without discount.

  • As there are several records with the same value of ID_NF then this field could not be a primary key as it does not uniquely identify a table row. Does your teacher not want you to apply the normalization process?

  • It may be, but looking at it I don’t know how I would do the normalization because for me it is already normalized. I think it would be thing to see composite primary key or if I need to make the other tables to use Foreign key in this.

  • You consider that, for example, valor_unit does not depend solely on the cod_prod but may vary with each id_nf or id_item, to conclude that the table presented is standardised?

  • I’m starting in a database, I don’t know much. That’s why I said I don’t know how to normalize because I don’t know how to normalize anymore. As much as I found something, I wouldn’t know how to normalize this table.

1 answer


A primary key uniquely identifies a row in the table. In your case, it would be composed of ID_NF and ID_ITEM. In any database (and Mysql is no exception) there are functions to create primary keys through functions. However, this could lead to future performance problems and unwanted initial complexity. Thus, a basic idea would be to create an additional column, called, for example id -- which would be automatically generated by the database manager itself.

There is not a very rigid standardization in these cases, but it is common to use as the primary key a name in the style id_TABELA. For example, if the table name is notas, your primary key would be id_notas.

A suggestion for the table structure is

        id_nf INT NOT NULL,
        id_item INT NOT NULL,
        cod_prod INT NOT NULL,
        valor_unit DECIMAL (10, 2) NOT NULL,
        quantidade INT NOT NULL,
        desconto FLOAT

If you don’t want to create an additional key, the second form of the table could be

        id_nf INT NOT NULL,
        id_item INT NOT NULL,
        cod_prod INT NOT NULL,
        valor_unit DECIMAL (10, 2) NOT NULL,
        quantidade INT NOT NULL,
        desconto FLOAT,
        PRIMARY KEY (id_nf, id_item)


A tutorial in Portuguese that explains much of the items (if not all) of these structures can be found in Data Definition - DDL

There are some precautions that were not mentioned here: creation of a database that will accommodate the table, and destruction of the table if it exists. But there should be enough for a good start.

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