How to calculate the average for groups and identify the maximum value?


Viewed 55 times


I have a spreadsheet where I need to find the month with the highest sales average.

With the code below I managed, but when I print the object appears all the disordered information as can be seen in the image.

I need to print the month with the highest billed amount for all employees (example: "August 2020 - Total Billed: 15,000"

The code I’m using.

dfseason = df.groupby(by='Month')['Billed'].sum().nlargest(1)

When printing the object I have the information as in the image

2 answers


If I understood what you need, it is possible to solve using the method agg:

tab =df.groupby(by='Month').agg({'Billed':'sum'})
#ordenando a tabela


May       918
Nov       885
Apr       735
Dec       694
Jul       634
Jun       542
Sep       539
Aug       438

The key value is therefore obtained by tab.iloc[0,:].

Printing the formatted results:

for k, v in tab.to_dict()['Billed'].items():
    print("{} 2020 - Total Billed {}".format(k,v))


May 2020 - Total Billed 918
Nov 2020 - Total Billed 885
Apr 2020 - Total Billed 735
Dec 2020 - Total Billed 694
Jul 2020 - Total Billed 634
Jun 2020 - Total Billed 542
Sep 2020 - Total Billed 539
Aug 2020 - Total Billed 438

To print only the largest:

print("{} 2020 - Total Billed {}".format(tab.index[0],tab.Billed[0]))
May 2020 - Total Billed 918
  • Using your method the output comes out exactly like mine.

  • Well, then I don’t understand the question. What’s wrong with this exit? How would you like it to stay?

  • I need to manipulate this object and give an example print. May 2020 - Total Billed : 918

  • Got it now. I’ll edit the answer

  • It is returning eight equal values (since it is eight months with values). It would be possible to return only one value?


One way to return the values in an "ordered" way is to use the reset_index

dfseason = df.groupby(by='Month', sort=True)['Billed'].sum().nlargest(1).reset_index()


    Month   Billed
0   May     918

To customize a phrase

print(f"Mês {dfseason.loc[0,'Month']} - Total faturado {dfseason.loc[0,'Billed']}")


Mês May - Total faturado 918

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