Good afternoon, I am trying to create some automated tests on a page that does not have fixed Ids, the only safe way is being Xpath but the same will change as soon as a new button enters.
Currently one of the lines of code I use is WaitVisible(By.CssSelector("#mat-tab-label-0-1 > div));
but often this 0-1 changes to 1-1, 2-1, and the test breaks.
<div cdkmonitorelementfocus="" class="mat-tab-label mat-ripple ng-star-inserted" mat-ripple="" mattablabelwrapper="" role="tab" ng-reflect-disabled="false" id="mat-tab-label-2-1" tabindex="-1" aria-posinset="2" aria-setsize="2" aria-controls="mat-tab-content-2-1" aria-selected="false" aria-disabled="false"><div class="mat-tab-label-content"><!--bindings={}--><!--bindings={"ng-reflect-ng-if": "true"}-->Ranking</div></div>
This is the element that I need Selenium to look at, as you can see, the ID is already mat-tab-label-2-1, so it’s unreliable, there’s some way to get a fixed element in Angular 6?