I have a file in . csv VERY large that I can’t read in R. I tried so:
dados19 <- read.csv("microdados_censo_superior_2019/dados/SUP_ALUNO_2019.CSV", sep="|", dec=".")
It is the census of higher education 2019 can be found at https://www.gov.br/inep/pt-br/acesso-a-informacao/dados-abertos/microdados/censo-da-educacao-superior
However, I don’t need the whole file, only a few columns (the columns I need are: CO_CURSO, TP_SEXO, TP_COR_RACA and IN_MATRICULA). Would it be possible to upload/select only the columns I want? Without having to read the whole file?
Thank you so much! I will look at all these functions.
– Alexsandra Gomes