Publishing App in Apple Store with Webview


Viewed 133 times


The company I work for is developing an app for Android and IOS for a client. The app has several query screens, 2 registration screens, notifications. Now the need to integrate with another application (developed by another software factory) of the customer has arisen. This second client application also has several queries and registrations. It has a responsive website, which makes use of a REST API in the backend.

Not to have to develop everything from scratch, that is, implement multiple screens and integrate via REST API (which NAY has documentation), we thought of using a Web View for some registration functions of the other system. It is worth remembering that it is only the registration functions (around 10 registers), the queries we have done natively.

Apple bars apps that are 100% Web Views, but it wasn’t clear to me how many app features might be Webviews and if in my scenario Apple would block posting to the Apple Store.

In percentage terms, what is the maximum amount of Web Views features that Apple allows in an app in the Apple Store? Is there a limit?

Note: We do not want to implement in a native way the registrations of the other system, because they are extremely complex, have no documentation and to make matters worse is developed by another company, therefore we do not master the business rules of that application.

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