Write implementation of function serie()


Viewed 31 times


I am solving some programming issues, but I am struggling with this issue, if anyone can help me I will be very grateful.

The question and the following.

Write the implementation of the function serie() declared in the prototype, according to the equation:

Imagem mostrando a equação

#include    <stdio.h>   
float   serie(int   num);   
int n;  
printf(“Informe a   quantidade  de  termos  (>=1):  “); 
scanf(“%d”, &n);    
if  (n<1)   
printf(“Valor   incorreto!”);   
printf(“O   resultado   da  série   é   %f  \n”,    serie(n));  

In advance I appreciate the support!

  • 1

    Gustavo, welcome to Sopt. I don’t think you understand how the site works. People won’t solve the exercise for you...

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