Set column type for text using exceljs


Viewed 11 times



I am using exceljs to export excel file

I would like to define before exporting the column type to String

Currently I’m doing so:

const EXCEL_TYPE =  'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;charset=UTF-8'
const EXCEL_EXTENSION =  '.xlsx'
const baixar = () =>{
const FileSaver = (t,f,m) => {
   try {
       var b = new Blob([t],{type:m});
       saveAs(b, f);
     } catch (e) {"data:"+m+"," + encodeURIComponent(t), '_blank','');
 const exportFile = async () => {
  const workbook = new Excel.Workbook()
    const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('DADOS')            
    const header = [
         ['Start Date','Final Date']
  const rows = [

  worksheet.addRows( header )
    worksheet.addRows( rows )
  worksheet.getColumn(1).dataValidation = {
      type: 'text'
    let buffer = await workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer()
    saveAsExcelFile( buffer, 'action_type' )

<script src="" integrity="sha512-3ZnqnLCRnyAXG2Hbb0v+DNzl5QYyRocJeG7Uwy5qBausA0jB5cLSZ4gHWHkbINJIyWU3vApjCwH1rNO4XEn9SQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-csNcFYJniKjJxRWRV1R7fvnXrycHP6qDR21mgz1ZP55xY5d+aHLfo9/FcGDQLfn2IfngbAHd8LdfsagcCqgTcQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<button onclick="exportFile()">baixar</button>

I’m trying like this:

worksheet.getColumn(1).dataValidation = {
                type: 'text'

When I type a date, excel turns into number.

Then every time I care, instead of seeing the date comes a number

For example:

The date of:

05/01/2021 vem 44201
10/01/2021 vem 44206

Every time before it matters I have to go on screen Formatar célula and switch to text in order to date and recognize the system as text

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Is there or at least there is some way to convert this number to the correct date?

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