Good afternoon, I’m a few days cracking my head here. I’m developing an app with 2 Forms (screens). On the home screen is login, and the second screen is the app itself. I want to take the name entered by the user in the Txtbox of the home screen, and move to a label of the second screen, getting: Welcome(a) {usersname}!
I debugged the code, and for some reason, the labelWelcome variable initially receives the value, however, it does not receive the variable, the correct mode would be: labelWelcome.Text = $"Welcome(a) {Username}";
But she receives only: labelWelcome.Text = $"Welcome(to)";
DETAIL: The Username var does receive the value of FORM1, why is it not going on the FORM2 label?
It follows logic I used to pass the values:
**FORM1 (LOGIN):**
// Método para abrir a nova tela
private void FormLogado()
Application.Run(new CronogramaLogado(btn_login.Text));
*// Codificação para abrir nova tela
Logado = new Thread(FormLogado);
// String que recebe o nome do usuário da txtbox
string nomeusuario = btn_login.Text;
// instanciação da tela 2 chamada CronogramaLogado, e passando o valor do nome do user
CronogramaLogado nome = new CronogramaLogado(nomeusuario);
// "this.Close() fecha a tela anterior, e mantém somente a nova aberta"
// Abre a nova tela
public partial class CronogramaLogado : Form
public string Username;
// Obrigando passar o valor username quando chamar a segunda tela
public CronogramaLogado(string username)
Username = username;
labelWelcome.Text = $"Seja bem-vindo(a) {Username}";
// Método para gerar as colunas assim que a tela é aberta
Unfortunately it hasn’t worked yet. In " var schedule = Timelogged " says I can’t use Timelogged in the given context. The way I made up the Form2 vars get value, however, in the =/
– Gabriel
ah in my example missed the new :) already edited the question
– Ricardo Pontual