How to take a differentiated input value using Beautifulsoup


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I’m doing a little program to learn how to use Beautifulsoup and I’m doing a currency dealer that converts the value of currency X to currency Y, my program initially taken from the site of Iban all existing currency codes and then use the site transferwise to convert the value, currently I take the value that 1 currency is worth in the other currency and step pro program and do the conversion there, but on the page itself it already converts the value I pass, in case if I pass 50 BRL it already gives me the value converted into USD that is 9.44645 for example, only that this value in USD I am not able to get to pass to my program, from what I understand it is an input that keeps updating in real time.

The site I convert is and div que ta the amount I want to take is :

<div class="input-group input-group-lg">
<input type="text" class="js-TargetAmount form-control cc-calculator__input" id="cc-amount-to" data-element="target" data-type="amount" value="" data-hj-whitelist="">

Business is, as you can see the value ta "", it does not save the value there, so I do not know how to take the value that appears on the page. My show is here if you want to look.

1 answer


I believe it is a dynamic site, so only Beautifulsoup could not handle to take some elements. Try to use lib Selenium pip3 install selenium . It can handle dynamic websites

  • Thanks, I’ll see how this lib works and do the tests here. Thanks.

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