How to remove values that are in another list?


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I have two dictionaries, one with available schedules, and one with scheduled schedules:

schedules_dict = {1: ['00:00'], 2: ['00:30', '00:45'], 3: ['00:00', '00:30', '00:45']}
appointments_dict = {1: ['00:00'], 2: ['00:30'], 3: ['00:00', '00:30']}

And I need to show only the times that are still available:

output = {2: ['00:45'], 3: ['00:45']}


for key in schedules_dict.keys():
    if key in appointments_dict.keys():            

3 answers


An alternative is to turn the time lists into set's and subtract them. So what’s left are the available times:

schedules_dict = {1: ['00:00'], 2: ['00:30', '00:45'], 3: ['00:00', '00:30', '00:45']}
appointments_dict = {1: ['00:00'], 2: ['00:30'], 3: ['00:00', '00:30']}

output = {}
for indice, disponiveis in schedules_dict.items():
    if indice in appointments_dict:
        # vê os horários que sobraram
        sobrou = list(set(disponiveis) - set(appointments_dict[indice]))
        if len(sobrou) > 0:
            output[indice] = sobrou
        output[indice] = disponiveis

print(output) # {2: ['00:45'], 3: ['00:45']}

One detail is that set does not guarantee the order of the elements. If you want the times to be in order, just change to use sorted:

sobrou = sorted(set(disponiveis) - set(appointments_dict[indice]))

At first, compare strings containing digits does not always work as expected, but in this case the times are in HH:MM format (always with 2 digits, according to the ISO 8601 standard), then the ordering is done correctly.


see if this helps you:

schedules_dict = {1: ['00:00'], 2: ['00:30', '00:45'], 3: ['00:00', '00:30', '00:45']}
appointments_dict = {1: ['00:00'], 2: ['00:30'], 3: ['00:00', '00:30']}
for key in schedules_dict:
    for i in schedules_dict[key]:
        if i not in appointments_dict[key]:


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