ON DELETE SET DEFAULT does not work in Postgresql?


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I’m trying to leave the value default 'SEM CURSO' in the student table when the course is deleted, but the way I am doing the value of the foreign key is not getting default and yes NULL. I am doing the script incorrectly or Postgresql does not support ON DELETE SET DEFAULT?

The strange thing is that even though Postgresql does not support, the script runs normally.


    nome varchar(30) primary key default 'SEM CURSO'

    nro_matric int primary key,
    nome varchar(50),
    curso_id varchar(30),
        foreign key (curso_id) references curso(nome) on delete set default on update cascade

insert into curso(nome) values ('Sistemas de Informação');
insert into curso(nome) values ('Ciencia da Computação');

insert into aluno(nro_matric, nome, curso_id) values (201701, 'Marcio Alves', 'Sistemas de Informação');
insert into aluno(nro_matric, nome, curso_id) values (201702, 'Caio Ribeiro', 'Sistemas de Informação');
insert into aluno(nro_matric, nome, curso_id) values (201703, 'Leticia Alves', 'Ciencia da Computação');
insert into aluno(nro_matric, nome, curso_id) values (201704, 'Fabio Antonio', 'Sistemas de Informação');

delete from curso where nome = 'Ciencia da Computação';

select * from aluno;
  • Of the manual: SET DEFAULT

 Set the referencing column(s) to their default values. (There must be a row in the referenced table matching the default values, if they are not null, or the operation will fail.)

  • I tested with not null but it didn’t work tb, I wonder how the correct script would be

  • You need to create a record in the table curso with the countryside nome = 'NO COURSE' or allow the field curso_id table aluno stay with NULL when not associated with course.

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