The Husky and commitlint packages were installed to a Nodejs project with the intention of adding Hooks to the commands git commit
to maintain the same style guide in commit
However the Hooks are not being triggered, allowing even poorly formatted messages from commit
were executed.
All the steps of installation guide have already been followed correctly, and the file package.json
is already with the necessary stretch to trigger the hook:
// package.json
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"
Environmental data:
- Linux: 16.04.1-Ubuntu
- Git: 2.7
- Node: v12.18.3
- Husky: 4.3.7
- @commitlint/cli: 11.0.0
- @commitlint/config-Conventional: 11.0.0