Python Pandas: Dataframe convert Timestamp column to Datetime


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How can I convert a Dataframe column from Timestamp to Datetime?

btc_df = pd.DataFrame ( bars_day , columns=['date' , 'volume' , 'open' , 'high' , 'low' , 'close'] )


date       int64
volume    object
open      object
high      object
low       object
close     object
dtype: object
                 volume      open  ...
date                               ...                          
1610323200000  38150.02  38264.74  ...
1610409600000  35410.37  36628.00  ...
1610496000000  34049.15  37850.00  ...
1610582400000  37371.38  40100.00  ...
1610668800000  39145.21  39747.76  ...

Thank you!

1 answer


import pandas as pd

data = [1610323200000,1610409600000,1610409600000,1610496000000,1610582400000]
volume = [38150.02,35410.37,34049.15,37371.38,39145.21]
abertura = [38264.74,36628.00,37850.00,40100.00,39747.76]

You can use astype and pass datetime as parameter

df['Date'] = df['Date'].astype('datetime64[ms]')


          Date    Volume        Open
0   2021-01-11  38150.02    38264.74
1   2021-01-12  35410.37    36628.00
2   2021-01-12  34049.15    37850.00
3   2021-01-13  37371.38    40100.00
4   2021-01-14  39145.21    39747.76
  • Thanks for the reply however how can I get the date + time? Any recommendations?

  • @LEANDROFIGUEIRA, good afternoon! You can use the pd.to_datetime(df['Date']). Hug!

  • This I’m not getting: '' btc_df['date'] = btc_df['date']. astype('datetime64[ns]') 1970-01-01 00:26:50.323200 btc_df['date'] = btc_df['date']. astype('datetime64[ms]') 2021-01-11 btc_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(btc_df['date']) 1970-01-01 00:26:50.323200 '' You cannot return in the same date+time object?

  • @LEANDROFIGUEIRA Its time is a set of zeros, so the pandas 'eliminates' the hour. If you put for example 1 in the last number it will return you the date and time (do a test). With the dates you have there you have to treat them as ms, as we would need to have more numbers on your timestamp. Hug!

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