someone has application generated by GX9, JAVA, WIN, and has upgraded to JAVA VM ((build 1.8.0_31-B13)) ? They were able to give permissions for the application to be started ?
someone has application generated by GX9, JAVA, WIN, and has upgraded to JAVA VM ((build 1.8.0_31-B13)) ? They were able to give permissions for the application to be started ?
Can you put more detailed information of the error message or warning you are receiving? What is the operating system? It was not clear to me if it is a problem when installing the application or when running the application. Although I think it is time to run.
My idea is to get more information to know if the problem is related to some problem in certificate or if it is problem of permissions on the machine, as UAC, IIS, etc...
But I think it’s worth you take a look at the following link: (look in Spanish as it is more complete)
And take a look also at this other link (because I still don’t have clear what your problem is):
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