Animation on Android, circle emitting waves


Viewed 379 times


I need to do an effect similar to that of ZenUI in call, that the photo with circle emits waves (zoon from below) as can be seen in the video

Does that help a lot because I don’t even know where to start the research!

I’m using Android Studio with the image already with border and in Circle:

        android:layout_margin="10dp" />

1 answer


You can create several ImageView's, each with a different radius from the other and with shades alpha also different. That way, when receiving a call, you can make an animation that plays with visibility creating a "wave effect".

  • 1

    Only complementing, which can also be used Framelayout to overwrite the Imageviews.

  • 1

    The idea is not bad! I would also do so if it were the case, centralizing Imageview’s alpha’s in the main.

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