Boostrap datepicker close-on-click event


Viewed 1,435 times


Using jQueryUI datepicker by default the date click event and the datepicker close works.

How can I do it on bootstrap datepicker ?


  format: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
  language: 'pt-BR',


<input id="data" class="form-control text-center" type="text">

1 answer


To close the datepicker automatically when selecting the date you can use initialize the plugin with the option autoclose.

  format: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
  language: 'pt-BR',
  autoclose: true
  • does not work this option, I googled and found in stackoverflow USA an answer equal to this. and also the documentation/

  • This option is available as of version 1.3.1 that can be downloaded from official repository. In this demo you can see this option working.

  • how strange, I did a test on jsfiddle and it is running, now on my system it is not, and I confirmed several times the order of the files, 1 jquery,2 bootstrap, 3 datepicker,4 functions,js calling datepicker

  • I don’t know if you’ve tried or if this is the problem, but clearing the browser cache might help. Maybe you’re still loading the old version.

  • I tried to clear the cache before too, but it didn’t work.

  • Something on the console?

  • no message on the console...

  • @Gabrielrodrigues You have not updated the js of datepicker. What is in your project is a 2012 version (js/plugins/datepicker.js).

  • That’s right, I always rename the file name to be simpler and semantic and at the time of replacing ended up not doing it

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