Create red square on the screen - I need to create a button, where every time it is pressed, a red square is created


Viewed 80 times


Good morning,

I need to create a button, where every time it is pressed, a red square is created on the screen. I tried to do this with the code below, but this way the button is generated only once. Could someone help me?

Create Red Square
    var btnElement = document.querySelector('button.botao');

    btnElement.onclick = function() {
   = '100px';
   = '100px';
   = '#f00';
  • You can create an html element and format as you wish with CSS (red square) and leave it display:hidden. When you click the button, you switch to display: visible.

  • Thank you for the reply Peter! I will try here.

2 answers


You can use document.createElement in this way:

<div id="meuDiv"><!--Aqui será criado o quadrado--></div>
<button onclick="myFunction()"><!--Toda vez que apertar esse botão criará um quadrado-->Me aperte</button>
function myFunction(){
    var quadrado = document.createElement("DIV");//crio uma variável para definir que o elemento será uma div
    quadrado .innerHTML = "<h1>Hello World</h1>";//crio uma tag H1(com "hello world" escrito nela) dentro da div
    document.getElementById("meuDiv").appendChild(quadrado);//pego o nome da div pai usando seu id("meuDiv") depois uso appendChild para criar um elemento filho dentro da div

You can also now make it have the specifications you want! For this you can do in the css itself and add with DOM a class for example, or go adding one by one with DOM like this fica a especificação css) = "(aqui o valor atribuído)".

Of course it’s not patched that way. But it has a better way, which is to add this code quadrado.classList.add("minhaClass") in function myFunction() then add your CSS specifications to a CSS sheet.

  • Very good explanation, thank you! I managed to solve, and now I have another challenge rs Now I need to change the color of the square when I hover over it. Could you help me again? I tried that way and I couldn’t.

  • is simple in css put there (element):{/here are the specifications/} ":Hover" causes css to check every time you hover over an element, in case you want to change the color use a background-color: (color here)

  • Hello, well, there are two ways you can try again! first, in css: . square:Hover{background-color: (new color)} second, in js: you can use onmouseout by placing it in the element or in an addeventlistener, create a function and within it put DOM(element).style.background = "(new color)"; - I suggest you give an in-depth study on "css :Hover" and "DOM" in js


  <button id="toggleButton">toggle display element</button>
      textAlign: "center",
      margin: "10px",
      color: "white",
      backgroundColor: "red",
      width: "100px",
      height: "100px",


$(Document). ready(Function() { $("#toggleButton"). click(Function(){ $("#square"). toggle(); }); });

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