Pass as parameter to Jasper an Object


Viewed 670 times


I’m trying to create a report, now it’s already generating, but only when I pass Jasperprint the Jremptydatasource().

JasperPrint impressoraJasper = JasperFillManager.fillReport("D:/Edital.jasper", parametros, new JREmptyDataSource());

It creates the edict but with all the null fields. So I tried to create an Array with my Bean, but I was unsuccessful, because within iReport I used 3 classes with Inner joins. And I can’t get through 3 different Bs.

In my Managedbean I have a Notice object already filled out, and my report only receives a single parameter, which is the ID of this notice. Do I really need a datasource? It is with it that I have a problem. How do I pass only this ID to Jasper and it generate my announcement?

My code:

public void imprimirRelatorio() throws IOException, ParseException {

    HashMap parametros = new HashMap();
    parametros.put("ID_EDITAL", edital.getIdEdital());
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    try {

        Edital[] beanArray = new Edital[1];
        beanArray[0] = edital;  

        JRBeanArrayDataSource dsColecao1 = new JRBeanArrayDataSource(beanArray, false);

       JasperPrint impressoraJasper = JasperFillManager.fillReport("D:/Edital2.jasper", parametros, dsColecao1);

        File pdf = new File("relatorio2.pdf");
        FileOutputStream arquivo = new FileOutputStream(pdf);

        JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(impressoraJasper, arquivo);


    } catch (JRException e) {

EDIT: I did a report that uses only one bean (without Inner joins), put that bean in an array with a single position, and it worked. Now how to put the rest of the Beans?

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