The goal is to exchange the letter r for and to form the pre HTML element. I’ve had experiments with my code where I have an array of Divs where each div stores a letter. To swap the elements just exchange the order property, at least that was the logic I used. However, I can’t access the Divs attributes. When I access an array element from the index it gives me Undefined when I use a variable as an index, but when I use a number it doesn’t give me Undefined, but I can’t use a number. Why give me Undefined?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
var html5 = ['article', 'div', 'span', 'form', 'section', 'strong', 'pre', 'table', 'main', 'blockquote'];
var playButton = document.getElementById("play");
var instructionsButton = document.getElementById("instructions");
var creditsButton = document.getElementById("credits");
var introductionBox = document.getElementById("introduction");
var menuBox = document.getElementById("menu");
var gameBox = document.getElementById("gameBox");
var html5Button = document.getElementById("html5Button");
var css3Button = document.getElementById("css3Button");
var javascriptButton = document.getElementById("javascriptButton");
var sqlButton = document.getElementById("sqlButton");
instructionsButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
creditsButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
playButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
playButton.disabled = "true";
html5Button.addEventListener("click", () => {
var game = new Game();
// Append a child h3 element refering to the technology
var nameTechnology = document.createElement("h3");
nameTechnology.innerHTML = "HTML5";
var Game = class Game{
choseWord(){ // Returns one random word
var len = html5.length;
var wordIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * len);
return html5[wordIndex];
var word = this.choseWord(); // Gets the word chosen
var lenWord = word.length; // Gets the length of the word chosen
var wordBox = document.createElement("div"); // Creates a div that contain the word
for(var i = 0; i < lenWord; i++){
var letter = document.createElement("div"); // Creates a div that contains the letters
letter.innerHTML = word[i]; // Appends the letter to the div
wordBox.appendChild(letter); // Appends the div to its parent
gameBox.appendChild(wordBox); // Appends the div to the gameBox
var lettersArray = document.querySelector(".wordBox").querySelectorAll("div"); // Gets an array of letters
lettersArray.forEach((div) => {
div.style.order = Math.floor(Math.random() * lenWord); // Switches the order of the letters
return [lettersArray, word];
var turn = 0;
var gameMechanics = this.gameMechanics();
var letters = gameMechanics[0];
var word = gameMechanics[1];
letters.forEach((letter) => {
letter.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if(turn % 2 === 0){
var indexLetterToSwitch = letter.style.order;
var lettertoSwitch = word.indexOf(letter.innerHTML);
turn ++;
}else if(turn % 2 === 1){
var indexLetterToBeSwitchedWith = letter.style.order;
turn ++;
if(turn % 2 == 0 && turn !== 0){
letter.style.order = indexLetterToSwitch;
console.log(letters[0]); // Retorna-me a div
letters[lettertoSwitch].attributes[0].value = "order: " + String(indexLetterToBeSwitchedWith + "; "); // Dá erro diz que não consegue aceder aos atributos de undefined
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.box #menuContainer button {
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transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
.box #menuContainer button:hover {
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font-weight: bolder;
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.wordBox {
width: 100%;
margin-top: 20px;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
-webkit-box-pack: center;
-ms-flex-pack: center;
justify-content: center;
-webkit-box-align: center;
-ms-flex-align: center;
align-items: center;
.wordBox div {
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 1px solid aqua;
text-align: center;
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font-size: 1.3rem;
.wordBox div:not(:last-child) {
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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<title>TechQuiz Game</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/styles.css">
<script src="./js/app.js" defer></script>
<script src="./js/data.js" defer></script>
<button id="play">Play</button>
<button id="instructions">Instructions</button>
<button id="credits">Credits</button>
<div class="box" id="introduction">
<p>Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus, iusto. Laudantium sint recusandae ullam soluta, ipsum tempore a quae repellendus.</p>
<div class="box hidden" id="menu">
<div id="menuContainer">
<button id="html5Button">HTML5</button>
<button id="css3Button">CSS3</button>
<button id="javascriptButton">JAVASCRIPT</button>
<button id="sqlButton">SQL</button>
<div class="box hidden" id="gameBox">
How to change the letters? Why give me Undefined? What is a solution to this problem?
The lettertoSwitch variable is inside an if block so it is not defined.
– tomasantunes
Problem solved! Ty
– Inês Barata Feio Borges