Query two tables and display the quantity of the group that has the most foreign key records


Viewed 66 times


I need to make a query between the following two tables:

Table Class:

id_turma classmate class code
1 1A 20201AVesperto
2 2A 20202AVespertino
3 3A 20203AVespertino
4 4A 20204AVsmarter
5 5A 20205AVesperto
6 6A 20206AVespertino
7 7A 20207AVespertino
8 8A 20208AVsmarter
9 9A 20209AVesperto

Table Student:

id_student student name last name id_turma
1 Cesar Augusto 1
2 Mario Nunes 1
3 André Silva 1
4 Ricardo Novaes 1
5 Ruth Maria 2
6 Maria Rita 2
7 Elisa Melo 2
8 Osmarildo Souza 2
9 Raimundo Silva 3

The SELECT that I am in need should show this result:

id_turma classmate class code student quantity
1 1A 20201AVesperto 4
2 2A 20202AVespertino 4

I got a SELECT which shows all class ids with their respective quantities but I’m not able to filter only what has more records.

  id_turma, count(id_aluno) AS quantidade_aluno 
from aluno 
group by id_turma;

Returning this result:

id_turma student amount
1 4
2 4
3 1

But I need the result involving the two tables and showing a result with the largest class or larger classes if they have equal amounts:

  nome_turma, código_turma, COUNT(id_aluno) AS quantidade_aluno 
  aluno, turma 
  aluno.id_turma = turma.id_turma 
GROUP BY nome_turma;

With the SELECT above I have the following result:

name_group code_group student turnover
1 The Evening 20201AVesperto 4
2 The Evening 20202AVespertino 4
3 The Evening 20203AVespertino 1

The way the second one is SELECT is presenting the amount of all classes, but I need a SELECT that would show only the first two classes since both have the same amount of students and are the classes that have the most students. And if, for example, there was another class still with 5 students SELECT should return only this other class.

As in the example above the expected result would be this:

id_turma classmate class code student quantity
1 1 A 20201AVesperto 4
2 2 A 20202AVespertino 4

But I still need SELECT has the id_turma, but how am I putting a WHERE to link the two tables (student with class through the id_turma) it rejects generating an error as follows:

  id_turma, nome_turma, codigo_turma, COUNT(id_aluno) AS quantidade_aluno 
  aluno, turma 
  aluno.id_turma = turma.id_turma 
GROUP BY nome_turma;

ERROR 1052 (23000): Column 'id_turma' in field list is ambiguous

As the suggestion of the colleague who commented on the POST, I put a TOP 1 as follows:

  nome_turma, codigo_turma, COUNT(id_aluno) AS quantidade_aluno 
  aluno, turma 
  aluno.id_turma = turma.id_turma 
GROUP BY nome_turma 
ORDER BY quantidade_aluno DESC 


classmate class code student quantity
1 The Evening 20201AVesperto 4

But you’re still without the id_turma because if you put the id_turma generates the error mentioned above. And with this LIMIT 1 does not display another class(s) with the same amount, only shows the first record excluding the other(s) that has or has the same amount.

  • just give a top 1 (sort by the number of students decreasing)

  • What if there are two classes with the same amount of students? And now that I realized that I still need the id_turma in select but in the WHERE clause is being related the id_turma of the tables Students and Classes, thus generates an error ERROR 1052 (23000): Column 'id_group' in field list is ambiguous. I am adjusting the post to seek help with this situation.

  • Considering the data presented you have 4 "Maria Rita", since each of the 4 has a id_aluno different, then the displayed result should not be: | 1 A | 20201AVespertino | 4 | | 2 A | 20202AVespertino | 4 | (4 and not 1 on the second line)?

  • Sorry I edited the list incorrectly, but now follows, my problem would be if there are two classes with the same amount of students should show the two classes and not only the first that appears in select and the example would be a class with four students and one with 1 student but with the suggestion of TOP 1 I had to exemplify with two classes with the same amount to improve select

  • I believe that mistake 'id_turma' in field list is ambiguous is occurring because the tables aluno and turma has a column id_turma then SELECT does not know from which table it should return this data.

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1 answer


I believe this query meets your needs:

    Qtd_Turmas AS (
          id_turma, COUNT(id_aluno) AS qtd 
        GROUP BY id_turma
    Max_Turmas AS (
          id_turma, MAX(qtd) AS max_qtd 
  T.id_turma, T.nome_turma, T.codigo_turma, MT.max_qtd
  Turma T 
  ON (T.id_turma = MT.id_turma)
  • It was not I who denied, more seems to have a ) the most in Qtd_Turmas)

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