How to write a function that takes 2 integers as a parameter and returns the largest of them?


Viewed 418 times


Write the maximum function that takes 2 integers as parameter and returns the largest of them.


>>> maximo(3, 4)
>>> maximo(0, -1)
  • 2

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3 answers


If you cannot use builtin max that returns the largest item in an iterable or larger than two or more arguments.:

>>> max(3, 4) 

Compare the arguments to decide which one is bigger and return it.

def maior1(n1, n2):
    if n1 > n2:
        return n1
    return n2

def maior2(n1, n2):
    return n1 if n1 > n2 else n2
maior3 = lambda n1, n2: n1 if n1 > n2 else n2 

print(maior1(4, 8))        #8

print(maior2(32, 2))       #32

print(maior3(687, 8233))   #8233

The three functions maior1(), maior2() and maior3() are equivalent.


def maximo(n1,n2): 
    if n1 > n2:
    elif n2 > n1:
        print(f'{n1} é igual a {n2}')
  • 2

    Note the detail that your function is not returning (read returning) the value as it is prompted, just displaying it.

  • 2

    Another detail: what if n1 is equal to n2?

  • so I added an if and an Elif, I could have added an if and an Else, but if they were equal the largest would be the N2.


Hello! Try that code here:

def mostra_maior(num1, num2):
    if num1 > num2:

>>> 8
  • 4

    And if you do mostra_maior(8, 4), what the exit will be?

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