Gatling/Scala: Returns error in Jsonpath - Extraction Crashed: end of input expected


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Hello! I’m new to Gatling/Scala and the scenario is as follows: I need to make a request in an API and use the Response data in a new call, which is the load itself. However, Gatling returns the error:

> jsonPath($[*]dadosContrato[*].codContrato).findAll.exists extraction
> crashed: end of input expected

And the code is like this:

val scn = scenario("Cenário")
        .exec(_.set("codContrato", Seq.empty[String]))
        .queryParam("DataInicio", "2020-12-20T16:46:23.895Z")
        .queryParam("DataFim", "2020-12-21T16:46:23.895Z")
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json")

The answer to this GET is:

  "dadosContrato": [
      "codContrato": "A1A1A1A1A1A1",
      "outroId": "11AA22BB"
      "codContrato": "A2A2A2A2A2A2",
      "outroId": "33BB44CC"
      "codContrato": "A3A3A3A3A3A3",
      "outroId": "55CC66DD"

I tried several forms of jsonPath notation, also testing in but no way that works there, it works well.

Does anyone have any idea how to make it work?

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