citation of the same work by the same author and different years


Viewed 67 times


Hello. I recently started using Latex to write my work. I would like to know how I can quote the same work of the same author in different years, writing something like:

Nameauthor(2009; 2017)

I’m using abntex2cite and running something like:

\citeonline{nameauthor2009, nameauthor2017}

however, this does not work for me:

Nameauthor(2009), Nameauthor(2017).

I appreciate any help.

1 answer


Your question was not very clear, but apparently what you intend to do is quote two editions different from the same work.

If so, you should create two entries in your file .bib changing only the tag of reference and to editing of the work.

The example below would be for a book.

  author    = {Autor}, 
  title     = {Nome do livro},
  publisher = {Editora},
  year      = {ano},
  volume    = {volume},
  series    = {serie},
  address   = {Endereço},
  edition   = {**n° edição2009**},
  month     = {mês},
  note      = {Anotação},
  isbn      = {ISBN}


  author    = {Autor}, 
  title     = {Nome do livro},
  publisher = {Editora},
  year      = {ano},
  volume    = {volume},
  series    = {serie},
  address   = {Endereço},
  edition   = {**n° edição2017**},
  month     = {mês},
  note      = {Anotação},
  isbn      = {ISBN}

and to quote you use \cite(autor2009) and \cite(autor2017).

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