Block more than one HTTP call


Viewed 41 times


I make a call via API to an application service, which returns some information from my product. It is working OK, however, whenever I click on the button, the table is fed, or is done apend of all content. I want the call to be made only once or that even if I click the button several times, the append is not done if I already have the information.


Primeiro click, tudo OK.

SECOND CLICK - Already increased


Follow the HTML and Javascript codes.

You can help in a solution??

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BOTÃO AMBIENTE//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$(document).ready(function() {
    var urlapi = '';
    var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", urlapi, false);
    var obj = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
    var data_map = new Map();
    var index = 0;
      var objLength = obj.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < objLength; i++) {
          if(data_map.has(obj[i] {
            data_map.set(obj[i], data_map.get(obj[i] + +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
          else {
                data_map.set(obj[i], +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
    const objConverted = Object.fromEntries(data_map);      
    var myJSON = JSON.stringify(objConverted); 

function montaTabelaLicencas(licencasConsumidas, hostGroup) {

  var newRow = $('<tr class="linha-table">');
      var cols = "";

        cols += '<td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">' + hostGroup + '</td>';
        cols += '<td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">' + licencasConsumidas + '</td>';


       return false; 

  $(document).ready(function() {
        let tdsValores = document.querySelectorAll('.quantidade')
        let total = 0 
            for (let i = 0; i < tdsValores.length; i++) {
                let valor = parseFloat(tdsValores[i].textContent)
                total = total + valor}
        document.getElementById("div-mostra-total-licencas").innerHTML = "Licenças Utilizadas: " + total;

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BOTÃO SERVIDOR//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   

$(document).ready(function() {
    var urlapi = '';
    var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", urlapi, false);
    var obj = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
    var data_map = new Map();
    var index = 0;
      var objLength = obj.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < objLength; i++) {
          if(data_map.has(obj[i].displayName)) {
            data_map.set(obj[i].displayName, data_map.get(obj[i].displayName) + +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
          else {
                data_map.set(obj[i].displayName, +obj[i].consumedHostUnits);
    const objConverted = Object.fromEntries(data_map);      
    var myJSON = JSON.stringify(objConverted); 

function montaTabelaLicencas(licencasConsumidas, displayName) {

  var newRow = $('<tr class="linha-table">');
      var cols = "";

        cols += '<td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">' + displayName + '</td>';
        cols += '<td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">' + licencasConsumidas + '</td>';


       return false; 

  $(document).ready(function() {
        let tdsValores = document.querySelectorAll('.quantidade')
        let total = 0 
            for (let i = 0; i < tdsValores.length; i++) {
                let valor = parseFloat(tdsValores[i].textContent)
                total = total + valor}
        document.getElementById("div-mostra-total-licencas").innerHTML = "Licenças Utilizadas: " + total;
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            <button class="button-title btn btn-info" id="button-buscar-licencas-servidor"><i class="fas fa-server fa-2x" aria-hidden="true" title="Por Servidor"></i></button><br><br>
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            <table class="table table-striped table-hover table-bordered" id="table-licencas">
                        <th class="linha-titulo-tabela">Ambiente / Servidor</th>
                        <th class="linha-titulo-tabela">Host Units</th>
                <tbody id="table-body">

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2 answers


the table assembly would look like this, already adding up the values. I took the other features of the event just to demonstrate the part of the listing :)


        //faz a requisição
        var urlapi = '';
        var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", urlapi, false);
        var obj = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
        //aqui passa o JSON como parâmetro

function montaTabelaLicencas(obj) { 
    let rows = '';
    let total = 0;

    //percorre o JSON
    for(let item of obj){

        //soma o total
        total += parseFloat(item.licencasConsumidas);

        //para cada chave do JSON adiciona a linha em rows com os dados
        rows += `<tr class="linha-table"> 
                    <td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">${item.hostGroup}</td>
                    <td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">${item.licencasConsumidas}</td>

    //adiciona o html do total
    $("#div-mostra-total-licencas").html("Licenças Utilizadas: " + total);

    //adiciona todas as <tr>
    return false; 
<script src=""></script>


Hello, from what I understand of your problem, by clicking more than once on the button your code is adding up the value that already existed, right?

Note that there are two events in the "#button-fetch-license-server" element, one of them is to make the request and the other to add the values. in the function 'montaTabelaLicencas()' Voce uses the function 'append()', use 'html()' because then you will be "replacing" the existing elements and your second event will not traverse the obsolete elements again adding up. I advise adding up the values right through the object to assemble its table, thus avoiding another loop and another selection of elements. Also use only one event '$(Document). ready()', using it to call the necessary functions. I hope I’ve helped :)

  • The problem is exactly what you mentioned, whenever I click on the button, lines that already existed are included. I made this change, but it did not roll.

  • Another thing, the two button has the function of showing the table with from a system view and another a view by servers.

  • use the following function to assemble your table, passing the object with the data. so you will add all rows always only once. Function montaTabelLicencas(obj) { Let Rows = ' for(Let item of obj){ Rows += &#xA; <tr class="linha-table">&#xA; <td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">${item.hostGroup}</td>&#xA; <td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">${item.licencasConsumidas}</td>&#xA; </tr> } $("#table-licencas"). html(Rows); Return false; };

  • I think the problem with your code being added to the old value is that it’s actually listing the data again

  • I left it like this: Function montaTabelLicencas(displayname,licencasConsumidas) { Let Rows = '; for (Let item of obj){ Rows += <tr class="linha-table"> <td class="hostgroup" id="hostgroup">${item.displayName}</td> <td class="quantidade" id="quantidade">${item.licencasConsumidas}</td> </tr> } $("#table-licencas"). html(Rows); Return false; }; But returns the error below: api-get-hosts.js:84 Uncaught Referenceerror: obj is not defined

  • ah yes, then you’ll have to organize your code to pass the right parameter, maybe, for example, you won’t need the "data_map" since you will pass the object directly to the function. it would be responsible for going through the JSON and taking the data needed to create the listing as I put in the "Rows" variable in "item.licencasConsumidas" where "item" is a JSON key (obj) which is the return of the API.

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