I’d like some help.
I’m training in this code:
categoria = ['Celular', 'Bateria', 'Carregador']
marca = ['Iphone', 'Motorola', 'LG']
cor = ['Branco', 'Verde', 'Preto']
fonte = 20
layout = [[sg.Text('Código', font=fonte), sg.Input(key='-COD-', font=fonte, size=(20, 1))],
[sg.Text('Unidade', font=fonte), sg.InputText(key='-UNID-', font=fonte, size=(10, 1))],
[sg.Text('Nome', font=fonte), sg.Input(key='-NOME-', size=(30, 1))],
[sg.Text('Categoria', font=fonte), sg.Combo(categoria, font=fonte, key='-CATEG-', size=(30, 1))],
[sg.Text('Marca', font=fonte), sg.Combo(marca, font=fonte, key='-MARCA-')],
[sg.Text('Cor/Estampa', font=fonte), sg.Combo(cor, font=fonte, key='-COR-')],
[sg.Button('Cadastrar', font=fonte), sg.Button('Cancelar', font=fonte)]]
window = sg.Window('CADASTRO DE PRODUTOS', layout, size=(700, 300))
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Cancelar'):
if event == 'Cadastrar':
I would like the value chosen in the Combo whose key='-CATEG-' was filled in key= '-NAME-'. But it is returning the object and not the chosen value, type the following: <Pysimplegui.PySimpleGUI.Combo Object at 0x7fd8bf982a60>.
And another thing: You can concatenate the key: '-CATEG-' + '-MARCA-' + '-COR-' and this junction is placed in key='-NAME-'?. Example: In Combo 'Category' was chosen the option Cellular; in 'Brand, Motorola and 'Color', Black. Thus, the field 'Name' should be: Motorola Black Cell Phone.
Also, is it good practice to create variables to define some parameters, as I did in the case of the source? I thought so because I believe it will be easier to perform maintenance.