Throttling to a Method


Viewed 116 times


I was experimenting with the concept of throttling and some doubts have arisen

  • Part 1: How to translate this concept into a single word?
  • Part 2: Is there a library that has a simple implementation of this?
  • A possible translation could be "Dosage", since the literal translation ("strangulation") does not look very good. As you’ve already implemented something, the next step is to find good dosage algorithms, the first place I would look is in network band control materials, because they have to deal with demand spikes, keep averages, this whole thing.

  • Strangulation is the right thing to do, but it’s not what many people think when they think of this concept. It is not a question of strangling (or dosing) the requests you receive, but rather the ones you make. That is, not putting pressure on upstream systems. This can be done by responding with pre-arranged or error values even if calling the upstream system.

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