Good afternoon, I’m using the datatable of the link below:
The only problem is to update the grid value after the update, follow image:
Thank you very much.
Good afternoon, I’m using the datatable of the link below:
The only problem is to update the grid value after the update, follow image:
Thank you very much.
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Hello Jeff. It’s important you [Dit] your question avoiding images to demonstrate codes for a number of great reasons and explain objectively and punctually the difficulty encountered, accompanied by a [mcve] problem (this is the most important part). To better enjoy the site, understand and avoid closures is worth reading the Stack Overflow Survival Guide in English. Thank you for understanding.
– Guilherme Nascimento
Good evening, sorry I’m new to the forum, but I believe I was as specific as possible, but I would like to understand where I went wrong. Thank you very much.
– Jeff
Please read the links, they are explaining how to create a minimal/simple and reproducible example. After reading you will better understand how you can improve your posts. Thank you for understanding.
– Guilherme Nascimento