Error handling a method called by a go routine


Viewed 41 times


When we have a method like this:

func (vu *VideoUpload) ProcessUpload(concurrency int, doneUpload chan string) error {
    in := make(chan int, runtime.NumCPU())
    returnChannel := make(chan string)

    err := vu.loadPaths()

    if err != nil {
        return err

    uploadClient, ctx, err := getClientUpload()

    if err != nil {
        return err
    for process := 0; process < concurrency; process++ {
        go vu.uploadWorker(in, returnChannel, uploadClient, ctx)

    go func() {
        for x:= 0; x < len(vu.Paths); x++ {
            in <- x

    for r := range returnChannel {
        if r != "" {
            doneUpload <- r

    return nil

But he’s called a go routine:

go videoUpload.ProcessUpload(concurrency, doneUpload)

How can we treat this error? Because we usually do:

err := vu.loadPaths()

    if err != nil {
        return err
  • I can speak for myself, usually what I do is put a call to some log base, where I can check the data in a second moment. I believe that the golang way to treat this flow would be to use Channels to communicate between processes. But I never used this language functionality. :-/

1 answer


I believe that the easiest way would be to create a Channel of Handler error, send the error messages so that they are treated as they should be (Can be used a system of Tags to separate them by context), and follow with the application or finish it depending on the error generated

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