Add a line in a Datagridview with a QUERY as Datasource


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First I created a DGV and configured it the way I need, put the column names and formatted column by column the way I need, adding the default value for null, text formatting, type of input, etc.. And after that...

I am using the Entity Framework, so I created a query that returns me a table, with three columns and inserted in the DGV as follows:

 var query = context.DOWNTIME.Where(Corrida => Corrida.CORRIDA == Int32.Parse(corrida) && Corrida.DATAFIM != null)
                                                .Select(Corrida => new { Corrida.DATAINICIO, Corrida.DATAFIM, Corrida.MINUTOS });
p.dataGridView2.DataSource = query.ToList();

After inserting the first three columns, which are of the type Datetime and a Double, I tbm added two columns of the type Combobox and inserted another query in each Comboboxcell as follows:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in p.dataGridView2.Rows)
   DataGridViewComboBoxCell theCell = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)p.dataGridView2[row.Cells[0].ColumnIndex, row.Cells[0].RowIndex];
   var result = context.GrupoDescricao.Select(GrupoDescricao => GrupoDescricao.Grupo).Distinct().ToList();

   DataGridViewComboBoxCell theCell1 = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)p.dataGridView2[row.Cells[1].ColumnIndex, row.Cells[1].RowIndex];
   var result1 = context.GrupoDescricao.Select(GrupoDescricao => GrupoDescricao.Descricao).ToList();

And finally there is a text column for Remarks, totaling 6 columns.

Everything is working as it should, but now that I need to implement a new functionality, I need to change values in this DGV, add lines, remove lines and I’m not getting. When I change a value it goes back to the old value, I can change the color of the cell but the value inside does not, I believe it is directly associated with the data source, so just changing in the source, but I don’t know how I can add a row or remove within a query and in the position I need, as the user will select the row and I should remove or add a row below.

I’ve researched a lot and in most solutions people use Datatable, Bindingsource, and I didn’t want to change my DGV that is already all standardized the way I need, including with the Comboboxcell column and the querys inserted in each cell.

I’ve already tried:



DGV.Row[index]. Cell[index]. Value

all these common methods of adding lines, removing or changing value.

I thank you in advance for your help! I know it’s been extended and it’s still gonna be a lot of things missing, so I’m willing to bring you the information you need.


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