How to send images in a Fastreport report with Delphi?


Viewed 315 times


I was having a lot of doubts about that. I searched several articles about it over the course of days, but in all of them I saw a flaw, most did not clearly show how to send a parameter or variable of the Delphi code to the Fastreport execution environment. Not even in the extensive documentation of the Fastreport component and in the forums of it I found something clearly, only after finding a good article next to the solution here:

Finally, using the method "trial and error" (rss) with the tip above, I ended up solving the question, and as I know that many are or end up having the same problem, I will post the solution I was able to do and who knows how to collaborate with others who have had similar doubts:

in my project, a Delphi application for Web, using Intraweb components, in the Asyncclick event of the "PRINT" button I export the report in PDF format:

procedure TF_produtos.bt_imprimirAsyncClick(Sender: TObject; EventParams: TStringList);
  objExportfilter : TfrxCustomExportFilter;
  objExportfilter := TfrxCustomExportFilter(frx_PDF);
  objExportfilter.ShowDialog := False;
  objExportfilter.FileName := GetCurrentDir + '\wwwroot\impressos\frx_produtos.pdf';

//passando como parâmetro a variável 'img_path' o caminho da aplicação e o diretório das imagens salvas..
  frx_produtos.Variables['img_path'] := frx_produtos.GetApplicationFolder+'wwwroot\produtos\'; 


and here in the Fastreport design, in the Masterdata1 band’s Onbeforeprint event I included these lines where I retrieve the information passed in img_path and the name of the image file to the img_product component that will be inserted in the printed report.

procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
  arquivo: string;                                                             
  arquivo := report.Variables['img_path']+<frx_dbdataset."IMAGEM">;                                                                            

result (images):

relatório com imagens ajustando o FastReport em tempo de desing do relatório referenciando o caminho "img_path" das imagens salvas antes de carregar o relatório

Guys, this is the way I found to solve the problem, but I hope that (according to the rules here) the Stack-Overflow staff will allow me to share and help others who have had the same doubt and who as I have not found complete, clear or objective answers. (I did as requested here, described the question, pasted a part of the code (the most relevant excerpts) and I believe that there is no other criteria that is missing, rss

Well, for now it is just, who wants to comment or suggest something, feel free, rss. Hugs, Hezekiah =O)

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  • Good afternoon. Everything straight?? Guy never really went through this problem with FAST REPORT, but in case I pass , I already know how to solve.. Thanks for posting a solution. Hugs :)

  • Thank you Ricardo! The fact is that when I researched before, I was not finding any clear example, no example explained how to define and pass the code side parameter in Delphi, I couldn’t even find in the full Fast-Report documentation example (which makes many questions go unanswered, rss) and I ended up having to draw alone in the old method "trial-error-and-hits" until it works out, kkk but to publish the tip, I had to submit as if it were a question (site rules) the only way to do it here in Stack, rsrs

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