Creation of tables Sqlite(Room) on Android with the standard Repository (very simple question.. but I need a clarification)


Viewed 55 times


Guys I have a question in the creation of tables and another in the issue of Repository, so come on.


data class Carro(
    val marca: Marca,
    val motor: Motor

data class Marca(
    val nome: String

data class Motor(
    val potencia: Double

The question is: 1) Will I have to create three sqlite tables for each object? Two with the second and the third? A single car containing everything?

  1. Using the Repository pattern and viewModel. When I create the class that implements Repository, from what I understand, I have to pass the Daos to the constructor of this EX

      class DatabaseDataSource(
          val carroDAO: CarroDAO,
          val marcaDAO: MarcaDAO,
          val motorDAO: MotorDAO
      ): InterfaceExemploRepository {
     override fun insertCarro(carro: Carro){
           carroDAO.insert ????
     ....outras funções CRUD.....


Obviously this example is not correct and was only created for the purpose of explaining the question, who can tell me how would be the correct way I will be very grateful.

In a real problem if I use this concept of a DAO for each table, in classes with many dependencies (5 or 10 objects) I have to pass all these Daos to the Repository? That’s a good practice?

Thank you to anyone who can help me

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