How to use for comparing a specific index?


Viewed 38 times


In function bonAppetit, i want to pick up only the content k (in the case k=1 and the value is 10), and see if that number is less than or equal to b.

Only my program is running the whole list.

def bonAppetit(bill, k, b):
    n = len(bill)

    for k in range(n):
        if bill[k] >= b:
            print('Bon Appetit')
    x = sum(bill)
    if x / 2 < b:
        y = (b - (x / 2))
print(bonAppetit([3, 10, 2, 9], 1, 7))

desired output:

Bon Appetit

output that I’m having:

Bon Appetit
Bon Appetit

1 answer


If you only want a specific index instead of the entire list, then access the element directly instead of making one for:

def bonAppetit(bill, k, b):
    if bill[k] >= b: # <-- **AQUI** - não precisa de for, acesse o índice diretamente
        print('Bon Appetit')
    x = sum(bill)
    if x / 2 < b:
        y = (b - (x / 2))

bonAppetit([3, 10, 2, 9], 1, 7)

I also removed the variable n now unused, and upon calling the function I removed the print, because the function does not return any value, so there is nothing to print.

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