Stackoverflowerror - Infinite loop when deploying Ear with ejb and Demoiselle


Viewed 136 times


By doing the deploy an EAR with an EJB that depends on the Demoiselle-core, an exception to Stackoverflowerror is launched.

It happens that when trying to create a Resourcebundle (Resourcebundleproducer.createNamed( the class Beans (line 159) launches a Nosuchelementexception which is treated in the block:

} catch (NoSuchElementException cause) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

    if (qualifiers != null) {
        for (Annotation qualifier : qualifiers) {
            buffer.append(", ");

    String message = getBundle().getString("bean-not-found", buffer.toString());
    throw new DemoiselleException(message, cause);

That is, the block catch depends on the Resourcebundle and enters the loop infinite.

For some reason the Local dependency of Resourcebundle is not satisfied and the method BeanManager.getBeans() returns a Emptyimmutableset causing the Nosuchelementexception.

The example application is in: .

Note: Before version 2.4.0-BETA2 the error occurred only in the class that injected the Resourcebundle and not in the deploy of the application.


After studying the code of Demoiselle (, I realized that if my project depended on one of the packages - demoiselle-se or demoiselle-servlet - the object of the class java.util.Locale could be injected thus solving the released Exception Nosuchelementexception.

The result is that every project that depends on the Demoiselle-core must also depend on one of these two dependencies to function properly.

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