How to select specific files in a folder?


Viewed 64 times


I’m making a Console Application in C# which, given an array of file names it returns the address of each and adds them to a Dotnetzip Zipfile.

Currently I code lies like this:

string[] nomes = { 

            using(ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
                foreach (string item in nomes)
                    if (File.Exists(item))
                        zip.AddFile(item, "arquivos"); 

The "pastateste" folder contains . txt files from 1 to 10 and I just select {1,5,6,10}, but passing the full address of each file in the names array.

How can I rummage through the "pastateste" folder, pick up the address of the test files{1,5,6,10} and store them in another array?

  • System.IO.Path.GetFullPath may be what you seek

  • I believe that using the methods of the System.IO library you can, look at the File and Directory classes. To list files from a directory you can use Directory.Getfiles()

  • Fabio, I can not understand what you want to do effectively... You can [Dit] your question and try to be a little more specific?

  • @LINQ Edited! I tried to be clearer now.

1 answer


It’s quite simple. You can simply get all the files from "pastateste" and apply to the returned collection a filter using the Where linq.

In the example below is done the file filter using a regex that tries to find by the following pattern:

  • the file name must contain the word "test";
  • then you need to find number 1, 5, 6 or 10;
  • then need to find the word ".txt"; and
  • string needs to finish after this
const string caminhoBase = @"C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\pastateste";
var regexArquivo = new Regex("teste(1|5|6|10).txt$");
var arquivos = Directory.GetFiles(caminhoBase).Where(a => regexArquivo.IsMatch(a)); 
  • It worked correctly, thank you. If the file name was "arquivoteste1compress.txt", regex would only be able to find it with "test(1). txt$" ?

  • @Fabiohagiwara In this case you need to adapt the regular expression a little to accept any string at the beginning and between teste1 and .txt. It would be something like: (\S)*teste1(\S)*\.txt$. But you need more details to answer by matching all the cases, because this pattern would recognize the string teste1.txt, for example.

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