Django - Choice Field None:


Viewed 30 times


I’m having trouble making one Choice Yeah, when he goes by form, the field returns only "" or None. Already if I put widget=RadioSelect, it returns the correct numbering.


    (1, "1° Prêmio"),
    (2, "2° Prêmio"),
    (3, "3° Prêmio"),
    (4, "4° Prêmio"),
    (5, "5° Prêmio"),

order = models.IntegerField(
    'Premiação', choices=ORDER_CHOICES,
    db_column='order', blank=True)


class Selectpremiumform(Forms.Modelform):

order = forms.ChoiceField(choices=SelectPremium.ORDER_CHOICES,
class Meta:
    model = SelectPremium
    fields = ['order']
  • Leonardo, I do not understand very well what you intend to do, but if it is to present a combobox with the options of ORDER_CHOICES, you can just reference your Model in the Form as it has been done that it appears without needing to write it again, ie the line order = forms.ChoiceField(choices=SelectPremium.ORDER_CHOICES, widget=forms.RadioSelect) can be deleted. From what I have tested here, it is rendering normally in html... you can edit your question to be clearer?

  • Yes in Radio works normally, puts in Select not only saved renderia, does not validate the field always comes blank. I wanted to use in Select mode which would be the Default of Choice. But unfortunately it does not come given any.

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