How to make wsmaximized not hide top menu?


Viewed 58 times


I have a form in dephi but when I maximize it or else mark the Windowstate = Wsmaximized the top bar some not being possible to see the action buttons (close, minimize) and the title of the form.

Does anyone know of any alternative for the menu not to disappear?

1 answer


This is not the default form behavior, you must have changed the value of some property for this to occur. Check if the property Align of form is with the value AlClient defined if you are changing to AlNone.

Also check the value of properties Height and Width of form and see if there are no defined absurd values.

  • I did what I said but it’s still the same. One thing I forgot to say is that the form is a fsMDIChild

  • 1

    Solved buddy, that was it. Thank you.

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