How to initialize N random vectors, where N is provided by the user?


Viewed 37 times


import random

x = int(input("Digite o tamando do cromossoma:  "))
n = int(input("Digite a quantidade de vetores:  "))
saida = []
for _ in range(x):
    saida.append(random.randint(0, 1))
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1 answer


One solution to this type of situation is to use comprehensilist on:

import random

x = int(input("Digite o tamando do cromossoma:  "))
n = int(input("Digite a quantidade de vetores:  "))
saida = []
for _ in range(x):
    saida.append([random.randint(0,1) for i in range(n)])

for vector in saida:

Returns n dimension vectors x each one.

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