How to know which supplier provides more products by returning the supplier’s name?


Viewed 33 times


First of all, this is the code that I’m trying to sum up the products of each lab and display

select l.razaosocial,  sum(p.quantidade)   from produto p
inner join laboratorio l on p.fk_laboratorio_id = l.id_laboratorio;

Only the result is the SUM of all products regardless of which registered supplier, and returning the first registered supplier.

I wanted something that would return which supplier most supplies products, with the quantity and his name in the case, social reason....

1 answer


You can use the command Group By to bring the results grouped by supplier and a Order by to bring orderly.

So for example

Select l.razaosocial AS Fornecedor, Sum(p.quantidade) AS Qtd
FROM produto p
INNER JOIN laboratorio l ON p.fk_laboratorio_id = l.id_laboratorio
GROUP BY Fornecedor

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