Error renaming columns in dataset using pandas


Viewed 51 times


While trying to rename the dataset columns using pandas,

SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?

Below the error with the line of code I’m using:

File "<ipython-input-25-b3eccf173f1d>", line 1
    doencasCardiovasculares = doencasCardiovasculares.rename(columns={'age':'idade', 'anaemia':'anemia', 'creatinine_phosphokinase':'creatinofosfoquinase', 
'ejection_fraction':'fraçao de ejeção', 'high_blood_pressure':'hipertensão', 
'platelets':'plaquetas', 'serum_creatinine':'creatinina', 'serum sodium:sodio', 
'sex':'sexo', 'smoking':'fuma', 'time':'periodo de acompanhameno', 
'DEATH_EVENT':'morte durante o acompanhamento'}, inplace=True)
SyntaxError: expression cannot contain assignment, perhaps you meant "=="?

To which exact attribution the error is accusing which I am referring?

  • 1

    The error is here: 'serum sodium:sodio', should be 'serum sodium': 'sodio'. Since you are assigning, also do not need to use the inplace

  • That’s right, thank you very much,

  • 4

    Tip: Whenever the error Pointer (^) is pointing to the last character of the line, means it is syntax error, usually missing carcter, quotation marks in the wrong place, etc...

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