Error when setting a constant


Viewed 51 times


I’m getting the following error in my code, and I’m not getting the reason why.

Got error 'PHP message: PHP Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in config.php on line 85

On the lines 81 to 85 I have the following:

   "master_id" => $dados_config->sistema_master_id,
   "sis_url" => $dados_config->sistema_url,
   "api_key" => base64_decode($dados_config->sistema_key)

In the 85 I have the closing, but in the 84 I have the following line, there is some problem to use the base64_decode in a constant? Or making this conversion where I am doing may cause some problem?

"api_key" => base64_decode($dados_config->sistema_key)
  • 1

    In PHP up to 5.6 constants cannot contain arrays.

  • I’m wearing a 7.2

  • Are you sure? In this version this error message should not appear.

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