Symfony Browserkit link with graphic accentuation does not click


Viewed 42 times


I am studying Crawler with php symfony and I came across the following situation: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui The link works without accent but when the link has accent simply does not click on the link. I have already checked charset in php app, website and vscode ide all beat. UTF-8 If anyone has an idea how to fix this I’d appreciate it.

I made a change to the script in trying to solve this case.

$link = $crawler->filter('.menu-item')->eq(2);
$crawler = $browser->clickLink($link);
$link = $linkCrawler->link();

I got the following mistake.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


Everything in life is a matter of patience and determination. I’m no expert on the subject and I didn’t even know Symfony for Rawler. After many attempts I arrived at a result that is satisfactory. I finally got a click on the accent link. Of course I had help from a fellow programmer "unknown". He gave me a hint and on top of his tip I arrived at the code that runs a click on a link that contains accent:

$link = $crawler->filter('.menu-item')->eq(2)->link();
$crawler = $browser->click($link);
$html = $crawler->html();
echo $html;

It was a ball game. And with that I didn’t even have to change encoding. Is it the windows? I think it’s not just adjustments to the code to get around an obstacle. People are people, codes are codes. For people I have a piece of advice: Don’t judge the other one for just wearing the blue T-shirt. And throw the problem in the color. Now for the code I say there are several ways to eat a Tostines. I’m just eating another way. I presented a problem and many were focused on the color of my shirt. But finally life that follows.

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