I was taking a test and the next thing I knew, I was creating a lot of positions to do tests, only I tried to do it to erase and I couldn’t.
Does anyone have any idea how to help me?
async def on_message(message):
if message.content.lower().startswith("!start"):
contador = 0
while contador < 1:
await message.guild.create_role(name='Teste')
async def on_message(ctx, message):
guild = ctx.guild
if message.content.lower().startswith("!start2"):
contador = 0
while contador < 1:
await message.guild.delete_role(name='Teste')
I suggest we don’t make these loopings to create positions or anything like that. Discord can permanently ban your IP by sending multiple requests in such a short time. It happened to me once, and it was the biggest pain in my ass
– Natan Fernandes