Creating a command line with multiple arguments using Dsharpplus?


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I am starting to program in C# and as a personal project I am creating a data scrolling Discord Bot using the DSharpPlus.

My problem is how to identify arguments (I don’t know if I’m using the right term) command typed in Discord.


/roll 6 -dif 5 -esp

When I type /roll 6 I have the return of six numbers generated by Bot. (I managed to get here)

But what I want is when you type -dif 5 for example, I would get back how many results are above or below the 5 in that case.

And in the case of -esp I need the Bot to only recognize whether or not this argument is in charge so I put it in a variable boolean. The methods and classes to get these results I’ve written, I just can’t make the connection between my code and the Bot.

This is the command I’ve written so far to execute the command /roll in Discord.

public async Task Rolagem(CommandContext ctx, int dado)
    Dados jogada = new Dados();

    var janela = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
        Title = "Resultado",
        Color = DiscordColor.DarkRed,
        Description = $"Rolagem: {jogada.ExibirResultado}"                

    await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: janela).ConfigureAwait(false);
  • 1

    I think in that case it might be a array of parameters, for example Rolagem(CommandContext ctx, string[] parametros)

  • I understood, but how would I make each item of the array is filled with the specific section of the command given in Discord?

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